Redhill Rotary Club
Redhill Redstone Rotary
The Rotary Club of Redhill Redstone was formed in 1990 by a number of people who had worked together in Round Table.
Since that time, the Club has gone from strength to strength. Over the years, we have raised a large amount of money for charities and deserving causes – local, national and international. We have also undertaken a number of community projects to help organisations, individuals and the community in general.
We meet weekly and and the combination of fellowship, social events and working together for the community means that Rotarians and their families form strong friendships and bonds. We frequently visit and receive Rotarians and their families from our twin Club in Comines, France.
The main objective of Rotary is service – in the community and throughout the world. Rotarians build goodwill and peace, provide humanitarian service, and encourage high ethical standards in all vocations. The Rotary motto is “Service Above Self”.